Tuesday 12 June 2012

Imaginative Essay Chantals

Imaginative Essay
What if Gale was chosen as the male tribute from district 12?

And the male tribute from district 12 is... Gale Hawthorne. I'm the female tribute, Katniss Everdeen from our district. District 12. Oh no, I'm thinking. Not Gale! He's my hunting partner, my best friend. Both of our fathers were blown to ashes in a mine explosion, so our families now depend on us for food and survival. Both of us being in the Hunger Games means either both our deaths or just one. This can't be happening. I just can't believe I'll be in a fight to the death with Gale.

We just spent 2 days on a train to get to the Capitol, Gale and I. The train was amazing, so beautiful and had such delicious food but the fact that we were on it to begin our journey to fight each other to the death just made it unbearable. We also just finished all of our training. Since Gale and I know each others strengths and weaknesses we decided to be coached together. And neither of us are planning on killing each other anyways, so it didn't matter. The training was awful, only made me dread the day the games begin even more. Gale and I decided it would be best for us to act like there's nothing between us, so that we look like less of targets in the real thing. Our last day of training went well, we got ranked on our skills between 1 and 12. Gale and I both got high enough scores to keep us alive for a few days maybe. But the scores really don't matter much, a tribute who gets a low score could just be hiding their talent until the end of the games.

The Hunger Games begin. As I'm entering the arena on my single elevator, I see all other 23 tributes, including Gale. I can't help not look at him one more time before it all begins, but he smiles at me and I can't hesitate to smile back. We're not partners anymore, it's everyone for themselves from now on, even if you have an alliance you can trust no one. The countdown is going, 5... 4... 3... I can see the cornucopia, 2... They have bow and arrows! I won't go there right away, it's just a blood bath every year 1... Let the games begin! Everyone jumps off their platforms and either bolts into the forest or to the cornucopia. I went for the forest, I didn't see how many were killed right there at the cornucopia but 13 were killed that first day. Gale and I are still both alive. 

There's only 5 of us left. Rue, Cato, Thresh, Gale and I. I don't have an alliance. Of course I would like to be with Gale but if it came down to be the both of us, one of us would have to kill the other. I don't think either of us would be able to live with ourselves if we did so. Boom, and another boom, then one more. Three tributes have just died. I don't know which ones yet but tonight their faces will light up the sky. That means I'm in the top two. Which means there's a good chance that Gales dead. I can't even imagine him being gone. Gale is 16, but still so innocent and too young to die. As sad as this is I can't be seen so emotional right now when all of panem is probably watching me and the other remaining tribute on huge screens. I decide to pack it in for today. 

It's been about 2 weeks since the games began. All the rivers have dried up and I desperately need water. I suppose the gamemakers did this to drive us together to the lake, for the last showdown. I finally get to the lake, it took me a few hours because my lack of food made me so weak. When I get there, I don't see anyone. Then I start to hear footsteps behind me. I turn around so fast with my bow and arrow ready to shoot, because I assume that it's Cato because he's a career tribute and probably stronger than Gale. But it's just Gale. He's so wounded, theres blood all over him and he can barely walk. I tell him to kill me, because I can't imagine living without him. But just as I'm saying that a huge pack of wild dogs are running straight towards us. Without hesitation Gale and I bolt for the cornucopia to get up on top of it. I make it up on top but Gale is so weak I have to pull him up. We both make it. And the dogs all of a sudden freeze. They're motionless. Then we hear Claudius Templesmith giving out an announcement. She says that if Gale and I manage to kill all 5 dogs, we can both be victors of the hunger games since we are both from the same district. The dogs unfreeze. I have my bow and arrow and start shooting wildly! I manage to kill 3, then realize there are no arrows left. Then I remember that Gale has a knife. I take it from him and throw it at another dog that I manage to kill. Just one more to kill then we can both go home. But we have no weapons left. Then Gale pulls out of his pocket a handful of berries, they must have been poisonous because we fed them to the last dog and it instantly died. It's finally come to an end. One last time Claudius Templesmith makes an announcement. Congratulations Gale Hawthorne and Katniss Everdeen from district 12, you are the victors of the 74th annual hunger games! We did it. We both get to return home to our districts.

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