Monday 11 June 2012

Diary Entry- Amanda Sharpe

Amanda Sharpe

Katniss Everdeen's Diary

Day 1 in the arena- I've only been in this arena for about 2 hours and I've already come face to face with death. It was a very close call, the girl from 2 threw her knives and I just managed to avoid them and one stuck in my backpack. At least I got a weapon out of it. I'm not sure how many are dead yet, I will know tonight when the faces show in the sky. My priority right now is water. Where is it? I might have been able to get some if Peeta hadn't distracted me. What game is he playing here? He can't really care about me can he? He was definitely just trying to distract me so he could have the advantage. If I don't find water soon I'm going to have a serious problem.

Day 4 in the arena- This is it. They've got me trapped. The careers and Peeta sit below me waiting for me to climb down and face my fate. The Gamemakers surely set this up. They knew that fire would chase me straight into the careers eager murderous hands. I'll wait it out. Maybe the Gamemakers will pity me. Doubtful. Maybe another tribute will draw their attention away from me. Highly unlikely. Wait what is that. There are eyes looking at me in the tree across from me. Rue.... There is a Tracker Jacker nest directly above me in my tree. Great, two things waiting to kill me.

Day 7 in the arena - The Tracker Jackers saved my life. I dropped the branch with the nest onto the careers. Glimmer, the girl from 1, died from her stings. Mine weren't so bad I was knocked out for two days though. Rue showed me how to take care of the stings. I'm glad I chose her as an ally. We are going to destroy the career's food. I don't know how yet but we will. We need to level the playing field and this is our chance. I'm so relieved to not be alone anymore. I didn't realize how lonely it was here. Even with Rue here I feel the need to constantly be watching my back. This is true torture.

Day 9 in the arena - Rue is dead. I blew up the Career's food but it came with a price. I left her alone out here. How could I have been so stupid? Of course they found her, how could they not. I killed the boy from District 1 but his face doesn't haunt me like hers. She was so similar to Prim. Oh, how I wish I could hug Prim one last time. But my fire has been refuelled by Rue's death. With her gone I'm going to fight my hardest even though I probably won't make it out of here. I have to try, for Rue and for Prim now. Let the Games begin.

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