Saturday 9 June 2012

Compare and Contrast Panem VS Canada (Ding Ding ) Cai Brown

Compare and Contrast
Panem VS Canada (Ding Ding )
Cai Brown 

    Panem: a world of odd hairstyles, evil government officials killing poor children chosen at random, poverty and crazy man eating genetically modified animals. Imagine if Panem was a real country in our world. The game makers in our world would be considered as a modern Hitler. Imagine in some countries similar things have happens such as the Taliban in Afghanistan. Canada is a great place to live I am really glad I live in Canada

    Canada compared to Panem is like Heaven, here we have: health care, non bloodthirsty government officials who have a full time job of making a Hellhole, to throw us into and watch us fight to the death. Think about event like the Hunger Games happening in a world like ours what would happen, the only thing that has happened in a world like ours is some of history most horrific events. All of those evens ended in war and thousands of deaths. Sadly in Panem the Reaping is just an accepted fact. Everyone is terrified by the reaping, games, the Fright if having you name pulled out of that evil bingo roller. In our world there would be a huge rebellion.

   But to some it is an honor and they volunteer their lives to take part of the hunger games, in fact they are raised to be a bloodthirsty animal. The scary part is that their parents are proud of them if they successfully slaughter 23 other children. That’s why they volunteer there live versus 23 other children for the smallest chance of victory and fame. Only the wealthy districts such as district 1 and district 2 do such a thing. In the other districts many of the young children end up entering their name more time that necessary because of the tesserae with is a option from the capitol, if you chose to take the offer you will receive grains heating oil and other survival essentials, Katniss had entered her name many times because she came from such a Poor family. For instances like this in a world like our own this would be very helpful if we had such a poverty stricken country, but thankful we have a very good country. Thankfully if something as awful as the reaping were to happen in our world there would be assistance from other countries to end such a terrible event. In Panem one thing I don't understand is how their is no external interference to end the hunger games I don't understand how their whole world is formed of Panem controls the whole planet but on thing for sure is that if something like that happen here their would be international assistance for the victims of a awful even like it is.

   In the hunger game they also have very advanced technology, so advanced that they can make a tree come out of now weir from the comfort of their living room some of the unbelievable technology they have I cant even see us having not even in a one hundred years. Mind you the movie take place in a time way far into the future compared to our generation. Panem has many very modern styles such as some of the big wigs in the department of choosing of the wining of the game had a beard with some pretty cool graphics if I do say so myself.

 When I really think about it Panem is a place I cant imagine fitting into our world, as we know it, having some extremely rich parts, and in the other regions some people are starving to death. It really doesn’t make sense to me. But that’s just one person’s opinion.

(I think Canada won)
Don’t you?

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