Wednesday 16 May 2012

Book Thing #3- Joseph Dobbs

Book study thing #3

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles”, says Christopher Reeve. Katniss Everdeen, protagonist in the book “the Hunger Games”, is one of these. She faces incredibly overwhelming odds and overcomes them courageously. To many people, she is a hero and a role model, even in real life. Her personal values of loyalty, courage and determination have come to be admired all over the world. In the book, her stylist, Cinna, gives her this advice for an interview, showing how Katniss' personality and tenor are to be admired: "Why don't you just be yourself? … No one can help but admire your spirit." All included, Katniss is worthy of the title she has been given: A symbol of resilience and determination in both worlds, fictional and real.