Tuesday 29 May 2012

Narrative/Imaginative Essay Rubric







Students will write well organized, cohesive papers.

Work functions well as a whole. Piece has a clear flow and a sense of purpose.  Makes clear connections with novel Response has either a strong lead, developed body, or satisfying conclusion, but not all three. Makes connections with the novel Uneven. Awkward or missing transitions. Weakly unified.
Unclear connections to the novel
Wanders. Repetitive. Inconclusive.

No connection to the novel.
Incoherent and fragmentary. Student didn't write enough to judge.
Students will use appropriate voice and tone in writing.

Voice is confident and appropriate. Consistently engaging. Active, not passive voice. Natural. A strong sense of both authorship and audience.
Use of  "I"  is fine
The speaker sounds as if he or she cares too little or too much about the topic. Or the voice fades in and out. Occasionally passive. Tone is okay. But the paper could have been written by anyone. Apathetic or artificial. Overly formal or informal. "I just want to get this over with." Mechanical and cognitive problems so basic that tone doesn't even figure in. Student didn't write enough to judge.
Students will demonstrate original, creative writing.

Excellent use of imagery; similes; vivid, detailed descriptions; Surprises the reader with unusual associations, breaks conventions, thwarts expectations. Some startling images, a few stunning associative leaps with a weak conclusion or lesser, more ordinary images and comparisons. Inconsistent. Sentimental, predictable, or cliché. Borrows ideas or images from popular culture in an unreflective way. Cursory response. Obvious lack of motivation and/or poor understanding of the assignment.

Rubric (Criteria) for Essay

Expository or Compare/Contrast Essay

A Above the Standard

  • The essay clearly develops an interpretation/analysis
  • The essay has a clear thesis statement.
  • The essay justifies interpretations through the use of examples and evidence from the text. 3 or more quotations
  • The paragraphs follow the appropriate chunk paragraph format (Jane Schaffer)- using the essay outline & opening/closing paragraph
  • The essay uses appropriate grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Avoids use of “I”...try instead “the reader”, active verbs
    present tense when talking about the story

B Meets the Standard

  • The essay mostly develops an interpretation/analysis of the story.
  • The essay has a thesis statement.
  • The essay attempts to justify interpretations through the use of examples and evidence from the text. 2 quotations
  • The paragraphs attempt to follow the appropriate chunk paragraph format (Jane Schaffer)-using the essay outline & opening/closing paragraph
  • The essay mostly uses appropriate grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

C Approaching the Standard

  • The essay vaguely develops an interpretation/analysis of the story.
  • The essay- vague idea of a thesis statement.
  • The essay only uses one example or evidence from the text. 1 quotation
  • The paragraphs does not follow the appropriate chunk paragraph format (Jane Schaffer)
  • The essay sometimes uses appropriate grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

D Below the Standard

  • The essay does not develop an interpretation/analysis of the story.
  • The essay does not have a thesis statement.
  • The essay does not justify interpretations through the use of examples and evidence from the text. No quotations
  • The paragraphs do not follow the appropriate chunk paragraph format (Jane Schaffer)
  • The essay does not use appropriate grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Friday 25 May 2012

Choice assignments part 1/2

Diary Entry #1

Dear Journal,

Today the unspeakable happened, tomorrow I will be the tribute for district 12. I will be in 2 short weeks, dead. This all started this morning,the day of the reaping. I went out for a short hunt with Gale, to keep my nerves under control. My name was only in there 20 times. So I didn't have to much to worry about. Prim my baby sister, was about to have her first reaping and I had to be there for her. Her name was only submitted into the horrible bowl once. Out of all the children of district 12, you would think once is an extremely slim chance. This was not the case. Poor, sweet, adorable Prim's name was called out. My heart sank. It took me a couple of minutes before I realized what was happening. Pushing through the crowd of girls relieved it was not them, screaming her name. I would not let her walk up those stairs to her waiting death. So I volunteered. You crazy girl, I know you are thinking, why would you volunteer for the doomed district? If your family was in such a position, what would you do? I did what I thought was right. So here I am, travelling hundreds of thousands of miles away from my home I will probably never see again. What have I done? Am I ready to die? I don't know yet if I am. How can I say my last goodbye to all those I love...... What have I done?

-Katniss Everdeen

Diary Entry #2

Dear Journal,

We met our lovely mentor today. Lovely is used very loosely to describe Haymitch. Needless to say he is a greasy, lonely old drunk. Unfortunately this greasy, lonely old drunk is my key to survival, and I'm on his bad side. Last night didn't go over very well he just basically told Peeta and I that we both were dead people walking. How encouraging. Effie Trinket gave him a lecture about how he needs to encourage us, not insult us in our time of need. In my opinion he is a terrible mentor. But none of that matters, all that matters is that I get home safe and sound to my family. Tomorrow we arrive in the capitol for our first day of training. No one ever needs to know this, but I'm scared. Well I guess we will see what tomorrow brings.


Diary Entry #3

Dear Journal,

Well.... Today was interesting. I shot an arrow at an apple, around the vicinity of the game makers head and got scored an 11 for it. The reason for this is because they weren't paying attention to me. I drastically missed my first shot, my second was dead on. They were just too self-centred and selfish to notice my second one. How else was I supposed to get there attention other then shoot an arrow at them. To be honest I was a little bit mad as well. Training has clearly paid off. My shot is better, my legs are stronger, I can build a fire. If I can survive the cornucopia and the first night, I think I will do fine. I would have an alliance but Peeta wants nothing to do with me. To be completely honest, I don't understand why. Ever since I got my score of 11 he has avoided me, and asked to be trained separately. I would say I didn't care but I do. I thought we were better friends then that. I guess its cause only one of us will survive. Whatever, I am Katniss Everdeen. I don't need friends to through this. I can kill an animal dead in the eye from 50 ft. away. I can win this on my own..... Right?


Diary Entry #4

Dear Journal,

Tonight is the night before the games begin. I'm not scared anymore. Our interviews didn't go as planned. I'm not a people person. Generally people just don't understand me. But they did in my interview. During our interviews with Ceaser Fickerman I was girly and giggly, it was a forgettable interview until Peeta went and did something that I originally thought was stupid and cruel, he confessed his love for me. I was mad at him for making me look weak but now I realize without his confession people would have completely disregarded me and my interview. My sponsors would have sponsored a career instead. Peeta did me a huge favour but I can't shake the feeling that he's still plotting to kill me as soon as we enter the arena. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The arena is meant to turn us into murderers, to take away our humanity, our personalities, our lives.

- Katniss

Thursday 24 May 2012

Essay Choices for assignment

1. Expository Essay- Know – retell, recall

Expository essays are simply essays that explain something with facts, as opposed to opinion. Expository essays are often written in response to a prompt that asks the writer to expose or explain a specific topic.

Example: Explain the forces that oppose your main character in their heroic journey.
Look at recurring symbols in your novel. What is their purpose?

Tools: Quote Integration , evidence from the text, literary devices, themes

2. Narrative /Imaginative Essay- Feel- create,relate

The imaginative essay is a creative non-fiction essay that investigates the author's feelings or reactions to a novel. As a rule, teachers asks students to complete an imaginative essay in order to be aware of their creativity. Usually, imaginative essays start with a hypothetical situation and ask you how you would respond to it.

Example: Imagine that Rue does not die. How would her story evolve?

Narrative tells a story in a sequence of events. There should be some point, lesson, or idea gleaned from this narrative to make the essay meaningful. It is an essay that relates an experience that taught the writer something or that had an important effect on the writer.

Example: Peeta teaches Katniss some valuable lessons about life. Explain.

Tools: Five Senses, imagery, atmosphere, mood of the piece, Description to paint a vivid picture, active verbs

3. Compare/ Contrast- Think- analyze , classify & find patterns

Compare/Contrast highlight the similarities between two or more similar objects while contrasting highlights the differences between two or more objects.

Example: Compare the heroic adventure of Katniss in The Hunger Games to another heroine in literature or history.

Tools: T-Chart, Venn Diagrams, point-by-point comparison or block comparison,
            citation,  quotes integration 

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Quote Response cats.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles" is Christopher Reeves idea of a hero. Katniss from the Hunger Games is a hero because she overcame the biggest obstacle which was winning the Hunger Games. "Panic begins to set in. I can’t stay here. Flight is essential."…"But I can’t let my fear show" thats what Katniss said when she didn't think she couldn't continue her journey. But she overcame many of these obstacles by finding the strength inside herself. Shes a true hero.

Melinda - SPEAK

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” , is how Christopher Reeve describes a hero. A hero doesn't have to be somebody who everybody loves and relies on. Everybody is a hero in their own unique way. Even somebody like Melinda from the novel SPEAK is a hero. Melinda goes through a lot of trauma. She used to have friends who cared for her, but ever since the night she was raped and called the police at the party, everybody turned against her and left her by herself with regret and depression. But Melinda overcomes this trauma by speaking up for herself and telling everyone about the traumatic event at the party. “Mr. Freeman [asks] : “ You've been through a lot haven't you?” [and] Melinda replies: “ Let me tell you all about it.” This dialogue shows the courage that Melinda gained to overcome and speak. She was afraid of everybody making fun of her, but she didn't realize that everything would clear up and be okay. Melinda can SPEAK.

Christopher Boone quote

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Christopher Boone discovered a bunch of secret letters from his mom that he had never seen. His mom is supposedly dead but the dates on the letters are from after she supposedly died. Chris's father had lied to him about one of THE biggest thing imaginable. He lied to his own son about his mother being dead. Christopher also finds out that his dad was the one who killed Wellington, the neighbors dog. Christopher finds the strength to persevere despite the overwhelming and terrifying news. He runs away from home to go find his mom, which is everything he dreads of most. “ I had to get out of the house. Father had murdered Wellington. That meant he could murder me, because I couldn't trust him, even though he had said “Trust me”, because he had told a lie about a big thing.” Christopher Boone is a hero whether he knows it or not. He faced his biggest fears to do the right thing.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Quote Response- Amanda Sharpe

"I volunteer as tribute!" is a quote that in few words shows that Katniss Everdeen is all of the things s a hero is and more. In an overwhelming situation Katniss Everdeen showed that she had the strength to persevere and endure even the most terrifying and devastating situations. She goes farther than any sister or brother has gone to protect their sibling, she gives up her life, her innocence and leaves her family to the uncertainty and danger of living without her to feed and protect them because if she didn't her sister would surely have died. Katniss knows that the odds of returning to her family are not in her favour when she is thrown into an arena to either murder or be brutally murdered by other kids. Years of hunting and the thought of her mother and sister watching her die keep her alive and strong, she finds herself, love, and even friendship in an arena designed to kill her. According to Christopher Reeve "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles" Katniss Everdeen is a hero.

Quarter Novel

Independent Novel Study
Novel Summary Sheet ~Quartering the Text ~

Your name: _________________________ Quarter # __________
Novel Name: ________________________
Author’s last name: __________________
  1. Skeletal plot (Point form only- keep this short but insightful):
1.  –
2.  –
3.  –
4.  –
5.  –
§   Conflict or “tension” eg person vs person, or (internal) person vs self; Is this important to the novel’s theme or purpose? Circle one  and explain:
yes  or  No
2. Setting (When & where does various parts of your novel take place-how are theses places important to the character or the theme of your work?):
3. Characters (Know your character types and why this is important to your novel! (Eg. Are they round/flat-why?/static/dynamic-why?) How many characters do you meet in this quarter or do you find more about their personalities? #?_________
4. Point Of View~ Circle one!: 1st person    3rd person/limited   omniscient   or    omniscient  
§   Why do you think the writer chose this point of view to develop plot character or themes?
5.Notables on writer’s style and structure!
§   Are there similes or metaphors? Record a quote: _________________________
§   Visual or other imagery? Record a quote: _________________________
§   Is there unusual vocabulary or diction? Record a quote:_____________________
§   Is the novel structured with a particular idea? Record a quote or explain __________
§   Is there dialogue & is it realistic? Record a quote: _________________________
1.   Themes: Record words and topics related to themes contained and developed in your novel:
·   ___________________________
·   ___________________________
·   ___________________________
·   ___________________________
·   ___________________________
·   ___________________________
Personal Response to this quarter: what you thought or felt, related to, did not relate to; how universal is the experience that your protagonist goes through?

Friday 18 May 2012

Independent Novel Study Bonus Assignment 1/2 : Journal Entries

Entries from the Journal of Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, Rightful King Under the Mountain and Lord of Durin, Cousin to Dain of the Iron Hills, on his Journey to Reclaim That which is Rightfully His from the Terror of Smaug

Entry the First
It seems our fortunes may be changing at last. The sorcerer known as Gandalf, ever a trusted counsellor of my grandfather in his time on the throne, has for whatever reason decided to make his presence known to us. He claims to have found the perfect fourteenth member for our expedition, such that we may properly begin without cursing ourselves from the start. Not just a new companion, but a burglar of the highest esteem he promises us. Should his honeyed words prove themselves true, we may yet reclaim the Mountain. We journey to this fellow's abode in a land to the west known as the Shire at once. With luck and a few day's hard marching, we may make it there in ten days' time. I retire to mt quarters for the time being, and shall continue this recording at a later date.

Entry the Second
Useless burglar. I haven't the faintest idea why Gandalf would have recommended him, though the conjurer continues to insist that we'll see his worth in time. Not even halfway to the Misty Mountains and he's almost gotten us all killed! Of course Gandalf also abandons and rejoins us at his own discretion, with no word of warning even to me. At this rate, we won't even make it back home before we're the lot of us dead. Bilbo finds the trolls, and what does he do? Picks one's pocket! Every layman knows their wallets talk! Seeing as he's meant to be this party's burglar, shouldn't he at least know the basics of his trade? Now the others are all in a fit as well, scared from those troll's threats. Fili and Kili are putting up well, though. Good strong boys. They'll do well for themselves in time, if this journey isn't the end of us. Anyway, Gandalf has deigned to ride with us again, eating well more than his share of the rations. At least they should hold out 'til we reach Rivendell. I must retire for now, and hope the sorcerer and his pet don't rob us blind in the night.

Entry the Third
It has been long since I last recorded my thoughts in this book. To be fair, there hasn't been much opportunity! Seeing my last entry, I must express regret at my thoughts of Bilbo. He has proven himself many times over! Twice, now, he has saved all our lives and thrice his own in the most resourceful manner. A magic ring! Stolen from the home of a horrid wretch of a creature no less. Then he escapes the spiders in Mirkwood and frees us, and leads them off - single-handedly - so that we might escape. Already, he had my greatest respect – then he hatches the plan to sneak us out of the Elf-King's dungeons in barrels down the river. Barrels! Never would have thought of it myself. Though of course, he wasn't the one who had to ride for a day and a month in a cramped barrel. Still, I am pleased with the reception we got at Lake-Town. The descendants of the folk of Dale still remember my Grandfather's legend. It is inspiring, almost as heartening as the rations we got from their master. Meek man, that one. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. I'd wager he'd never have given us aid had the townsfolk not pressured him into it. But Lake-Town is behind us now, and we approach the Lonely Mountain, home of my forefathers. Tomorrow we climb, and search for the secret door marked on my father's map. I must rest now, for tomorrow all our efforts come to a head. Nothing matters more.

Entry the Fourth
I trusted him. Trusted him! And he would dare!? To take it, the Arkenstone, from my vaults? For him to merely touch it without my direct permission should be cause enough to behead the creature, but for that wretched burglar to steal it? Heresy upon my grandfather's grave. Not only that, he added insult to injury by giving the stone to the Dale-men and the elves. Gandalf, too! I plot, I say, a plot between the two of them from the start. Never trust a wizard. “I have pressing business elsewhere,” he says. Disappears, leaves us to die in that blasted forest. And now a war on our doorstep. To challenge the rightful King of Durin and demand a share of his wealth? Never! A dwarf's gold is his own, and no other's. Fortunately, my cousin Dain of the Iron Hills in the north-west stands with me. He marches to our aid post-haste. But I despair, for there are rumours of the goblins mobilizing in the mountains. This may be the end of us all, should this fortress' walls not hold. I pray only that I might reclaim the Arkenstone before I die a glorious death on the battlefield. Whoever should find this book, if it is not burned, I ask that you ensure the Arkenstone is safe. And Farewell!

A/N: In translating these texts, I have done some of my own research into the subject. While the goblin horde was driven back – only barely – Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain, did die defending his post on the mountain. The Arkenstone was returned to the Lonely Mountain, and Dain stayed to rule his cousin's kingdom. A truce was forged between the Dwarves, Elves, and Men of that land, though whether any of those kingdoms remain is lost to the ages. The hobbit burglar Baggins (later revealed to have had no malicious intent, as Oakenshield's last entry might attest) returned to his home in the West. Gandalf disappeared, though he returns in many other stories of the age. Though Thorin's tale may seem a tragedy, it is worth noting that he met and reconciled with Bilbo before his death, and he passed peacefully in the company of friends. His untimely end was mourned by all.

harrison's quote

"If you speak and write in English, or Spanish, or Chinese, or any other language, then only a certain percentage of human beings will get your meaning. But when you draw a picture, everybody can understand it. If I draw a cartoon of a flower, then man, woman, and child in the world can look at it and say, 'That's a flower.' So I draw because I want to talk to the world. And I want the world to pay attention to me." This quote is good because it shows how and why Arnold expressed himself through drawing cartoons. It is used to signify how difficult it is to express yourself in the world.

Quote Response - Izzie Ledet

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles" This quote represents Katniss Everdeen's move towards putting her life on the line for her sister Prim when she was chosen as tribute in the Hunger Games. Before the reaping Katniss was just an ordinary girl who lived in district 12. When her sister was chosen as tribute she found the strength to volunteer for her, to keep her family safe. Katniss was no ordinary girl anymore, everyone in Panam recognized her for her perseverance and willingness to volunteer for her sister. In my opinion the quote "I volunteer as tribute!" demonstrates how Katniss is heroic.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Hero Quoteeeeee

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”, as Christopher Reeves explains; A hero has to overcome a challenge, Bilbo Baggins, from the popular novel “The Hobbit”, over comes his fears along his rigorous journey to fight a dragon, called Smaug. "They wondered what evil fate had befallen him, magic or dark monsters; and shuddered as they lay lost in the forest.". This quote shows what Bilbo has to endure in the story. Even through all of this pain, he perseveres and overcomes all obstacles to get to the final fight and win the fight in the end.

The Quote Response

The Hunger Games-Amina Creighton-Kelly

I was determined to feed us...I kept us alive” proves how heroic Katniss is. Katniss Everdeen, girl tribute from district 12 in the book “The Hunger Games” is a hero. In many ways, Katniss is the reason her family is alive. For most of her life, she has been hunting in the woods to keep her family fed but after her father died, things got much harder for her family. Katniss had to provide for her family. Katniss is brave and determined and will do anything to keep the ones she loves safe.
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere.” is a reflection of Katniss, an ordinary person who is a hero to her family and turns into a hero for her District.

Responding to quotes -- The Hobbit

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”  That thought is Christopher Reeve's interpretation of what a hero is.  And I believe that what he states is true, although, not always applicable.  Especially in the case of Bilbo Baggins from “The Hobbit”.  You could however, view him as a normal “hero-type” person, and this holds true for a lot of the book.   But, Bilbo has a dark side, he often resorted to stealing, and these events where not far and few apart.  For example, when stealing the ring of power from Gollum : Thief, thief, thief! Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!  Or, when he goes about, stealing from the elves in the forest : “He was hungry too outside, for he was no hunter; but inside the caves he could pick a living of some sort by stealing food from the store or table when no one was around.”  But a lot of these incidences where necessary for his survival, and for the continued progression of the book.  So in a way, you could consider his habit of stealing as finding the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.  But Bilbo is, in my opinion, a mixed bag in the sense that he can resemble the typical hero; but his dark side also makes him look like an anti-hero, or at least someone you wouldn't expect to be a hero.

Quote Response - Susie M.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."Is Arnold Spirit's behaviour towards life. He could have just continued his life and felt sorry for himself, but he took the leap and his bravery led to success. Part of the "heroic journey is finding out who you really are. At the beginning of the book, when he describes himself, he is focused only on the negative parts of who he is. By the end of the book Arnold realizes his identity.  
"I realized that, sure, I was a Spokane Indian. I belonged to that tribe. But I also belonged to the tribe of American immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball players. And to the tribe of bookworms:
And to the tribe of cartoonists.
And the tribe of teenage boys.
And the tribe of small-town kids.
And the tribe of Pacific Northwesterners.
And the tribe of tortilla chips-and-salsa lovers.
And the tribe of poverty.
And the tribe of funeral goers.
And the tribe of beloved sons.
And the tribe of boys who really missed their best friends.
It was a huge realization.
And that's when I knew that I was going to be okay."

Quote response

A hero is an individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” that is Christopher Reeves description of a hero. Bilbo Baggins from the novel, The Hobbit, is much like the quote by Reeves. Bilbo was chosen to go on a journey with Gandalf and his dwarf friends, not knowing what lied ahead. "Do we really have to go through?” groaned Bilbo as he didn't want to carry on with the journey. He over came many of the obstacles he encountered by finding the strength and perseverance inside himself. When he felt like he couldn't go any further, he pushed on to help his friends find what they were looking for.

Quote response

" There is only 24 of us and only 1 comes out alive" shows that all tributes are hero's in there own way. If they volunteered, or not they show the strength, power and determination to succeeded in the obstacles that they are about to face. A hero is someone we all want to be. A ordinary person who became extraordinary by overcoming life's difficult obstacles. Christopher Reeve explains that a hero is "an ordinary individual" who finds the strength to preserve and endure. These ordinary individuals are the 24 tributes.  

Katniss quote response

Katniss isn't your typical hero. I don't think she realizes how heroic she is. When Peeta declares “She has no idea...the effect she can have” , the reader senses how powerful Katniss can be. She did not try to be a hero, it just happened because she used her faith and had perseverance. This is why she is more heroic than the other twenty-three tributes. "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to ... endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles" relates very well to who Katniss is.

Quote response. Chantals

“All right, I am going, and you can't stop me!” This is a quote that shows that Katniss is a hero and even though Peeta is telling her to stay because it's dangerous, she knows that it's the only way they will survive. “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” This quote relates well to Katniss because she is just an ordinary girl who found the strength to overcome her life-threatening challenge.  

Michael's quote thing!!!!

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles”, says Christopher Reeve. Katniss Everdeen is a hero who must overcome many obstacles in her quest to survive. She must try her best, overcome her under confidence in her self and in the end she will win the Hunger Games. “I can't win. Prim must know that in her heart. The competition will be far beyond my abilities... Oh, there'll be people like me, too. People to weed out before the real fun begins.”

Rue is a hero!!!!

“A hero is an individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” according to Christopher Reeve, these are the words that describe a true hero. In the hunger games Rue is a true hero, as Katniss wakes up from being out for a few days, she wakes up with damp leaves on her. As Katniss looked around she was sore, as Rue came out of the bushes she said as you were out “I changed the leaves a few times” Katniss asked rue how long have I been out. After Rue answered a few days Katniss realized that rue is the single reason she is alive, she realized that Rue went out of her way to save her life!

Quote Paragraph

Christopher Reeve described a hero as “An ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” In speak, Melinda may not be faced with 'overwhelming' obstacles but she was, without a doubt, an ordinary teenager. After her 'abuse' she lost all her strength, integrity and popularity at school. She says: “I have survived. I am here. Confused, screwed up, but here. So, how can I find my way? Is there a chain saw of the soul, an ax I can take to my memories or fears?” Something like that is not easy to overcome. Eventually, with the help of a couple of friends and a teacher, she finds the strength to say 'no' and lets her voice be heard again.

Assignments for Novel Study

Independent Novel Study Unit

Thematic tie for this unit's possible texts:

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” (Christopher Reeve)

Required Assignments:

  1. Quartering the text. Purpose: like summary sheets, these offer a synopsis of 4 sections of the text and compressed analysis of ideas therein. Use the structure as a guide. /5 X 4= 20             Print and submit
Due: Quarter #1_____________,#2____________#3___________,#4______________
  1. Character Sketch. Choose one character in the novel and create a
    detailed character sketch with both written literary elements and an
    image that represents that character.  handed in - visual representation

Due:_________________________________ /24
Posted On the Blog:
  1. One polished response writing where you will tie the above quote
    by Christopher Reeve to your text after researching the significance
    (remember to cite properly).
    Due:_________________________________________ /24
  2. Final Essay on a student and teacher generated topic- requires a
    minimum of two conference marks. A conference is a meeting to look over your rough draft and make suggestions. Rough draft: /15 Polished copy: /15
    1. Lit Circles Table Talk- self evaluation and peer evaluation-
This is the wrap-up to our novel study and a celebration.

Due:________________________________________________ /15

Keep ALL rough work! You may need rough work and ideas later to create a note bank, valuable for your lit circle discussions, which will be the final project for this unit:
there will be an adult leader for each lit circle to facilitate discussion.
Keep a paper trail in case of a cyber crisis!!

Choice Assignments & Bonus Marks:

Choose two tasks below, and do one or more for bonus marks. If you have another creative project, or design a task for more than one person, see me to negotiate your brilliant possibilities!

  1. Diary Entries: From a primary character. Introspective, detailed and
    their experience through the five senses. Each entry should
    be at least a paragraph in length. Blog entry /24

      1. Represent a key scene: in film, pictures, poetry, song or other media. Include a reflective write up to describe why the scene is important
        and the significance of your representation. Check with me first.
The write up must be at least a paragraph in length. /24

  1. View & Analyze: view the film of your novel. Analyze as a movie critic would. Give a detailed movie review. Include the differences between movie and book. Must be at least two paragraphs in length and include quote from
    the book. Compare and contrast between movie and book.
    Blog entry /24
  1. Songs: Listen, Analyze and write a song review for three songs that deal with the theme of this unit. Each review must be a paragraph in length. Include the songs or quotes from the songs. Blog entry /24

      1. Create a game- either on paper or media- based on the theme of your novel.
        Include a reflection on how you've included character types,
        plots, scenery and conflict. Your reflection must be at
        least a paragraph. /24

Hero Quote

          Why are heroes born special? ''A hero is an ordinary individual...'' states Christopher Reeve. It's a true fact. Heroes aren't born with super special qualities, they just find it . Heroes become heroes by finding strength from weakness. ''I had to multiply hope by hope. Where is hope? Who has hope?'' Asks Arnold. He felt weak and was heading towards the unknown which made him stronger. He's an ordinary individual that found strength when he was weakest and travelling to the unknown.  

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Quote Response- The absolutely true diary of a part time indian.

“When it comes to death, we know that laughter and tears are pretty much the same thing. And so, laughing and crying, we said good-bye to my grandmother. And when we said goodbye to one grandmother, we said good-bye to all of them. Each funeral was a funeral for all of us. We lived and died together. All of us laughed when they lowered my grandmother into the ground. And all of us laughed when they covered her with dirt. And all of us laughed as we walked and drove and rode our way back to our lonely, lonely houses.” Junior is a hero when he can take the death of his grandmother and turn such a tragic event into something joy full and heart felled. “Endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” Witch fit quite well with Junior.

Book Thing #3- Joseph Dobbs

Book study thing #3

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles”, says Christopher Reeve. Katniss Everdeen, protagonist in the book “the Hunger Games”, is one of these. She faces incredibly overwhelming odds and overcomes them courageously. To many people, she is a hero and a role model, even in real life. Her personal values of loyalty, courage and determination have come to be admired all over the world. In the book, her stylist, Cinna, gives her this advice for an interview, showing how Katniss' personality and tenor are to be admired: "Why don't you just be yourself? … No one can help but admire your spirit." All included, Katniss is worthy of the title she has been given: A symbol of resilience and determination in both worlds, fictional and real.



-In a section of Speak. the main character Melinda mentions biting her nails and eventually the skin around it. I found that topic and the motives for it interesting, because I do the same. So I tried to find out what motivates me to do it, and I came to the solution that it has some sort of nostalgic value (to me at least) because I started when I was quite young.-

Why do I do this?
It's the only thing I know
It keeps me grounded
From wanting to let go

It's what I can remember
From so long ago
It's what keeps me safe
From the things that I don't know

It's a crutch, it reminds me of better times
When I was younger, it made me feel alright
I can't stop, it happens alot, I'm destroying my hands
But it doesn't really hurt and I don't see the point

And what does it mean when the swelling starts?
I can feel it throbbing, I'm afraid I've gone too far

Something about it feeds a need
A hunger that food can't support
And eventually I start chewing the skin
I can't hold alot of things
Something about it was appetizing
Something I can't describe
I can feel my blood rising
I feel fine

And what does it mean when the swelling starts?
I can feel it throbbing, I'm afraid I've gone too far

Worthless and alone
Getting rid of myself piece by piece seemed to make me feel more human than before

I'm worried, but not surprised

I'm asking myself rhetorical questions
I already know the answers, but it's refreshing to think I don't
I couldn't possibly prepare for everything I will go through
And this seemed to calm my nerves

And what does it mean when the swelling starts?
I can feel it throbbing, I'm afraid I've gone too far

Why do I do this?
It's the only thing I know
It keeps me grounded
From wanting to let go

It's what I can remember
From so long ago
It's what keeps me safe
From the things that I don't know

Any plagiarists will have their balls cut off and fed to my uncles cat.

Quote Response Parapgraph

“Heroes are ordinary people” according to Christoper Reeves and I couldn't agree more. People don't become heroes overnight, they have to prove themselves, usually by “finding strength to persevere and endure... obstacles.” The main character in Speak, Melinda, proves this. Before her life-changing incident, she was as plain and normal as one could be... and then it happened. As she delicately stated “He hurt me, he hurt me, he hurt me.” It isn't just that that she had to overcome, she had to live with the aftermath. Somebody who's been in a similar situation knows that it isn't something you can just forget about. It tortures you mentally. It makes you hate everyone. It makes you not want to Speak...